Thursday, October 23, 2014

What's With Fresh and Easy

The coffee shop is the center of all education, politics and sometimes the latest news on the cultural front. In this case, news on the business front is breaking. Fresh and Easy Markets is doing some major renovations to their local store here in Las Vegas. I asked the store manager what kind of changes were being made and how this will affect their present offerings.

As many of you know, Fresh and Easy boasts of a large selection of organic, fresh, farmer-type products. You can cruise their isles and find items that the healthy conscious are looking for. This has been their brand from the very beginning of their existence. Now it looks like they are venturing into a totally different direction

The location I visited not only is gutting their central area where 6 foot double wide food racks would stand, to be replaced by a "7-11" type of self-serve area but they are also pairing back their current inventories to what can only be described as finding what sells and chucking the rest.

For the sake of this article, we'll focus on the cafe area. This "7-11 self-serve area will have press pot coffee decanters, Kambucha on a fountain dispenser, smoothies, Free Wi-fi all the things that, you guessed it, an Espresso Bar would have, less the fresh coffee, barista and quality products. The seating area (in this particular store) would be around 500sf. The aim of the cafe area is to entice the road weary business person, who always goes to a Fresh and Easy during the day, to spend some quality time there.

I got to tell you. When I see a food market change their business plan and venture into other areas, it is a message that shouts loud and clear. "We're sinking and are looking for anything that will work". 

Now no one is going to begrudge Fresh and Easy for doing what they must to make a buck. The problem I have is they are proliferating a "drink any ole crap" mentality among the public. When large franchise stores turn into nothing more than glorified "7-11" and then call themselves cafe's, that's where I draw the line.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Next Big Step

Ok. So we finally did it yall. Our little coffee company has become a REAL Coffee Company. We are finally roasting our own beans, brewing and selling them exclusively at our shop!!!

After months of haggling and looking for money, we were able to purchase our own small roaster, that we call Sheila and begin to profile, test and compare until we came up with a line of coffees that we believe not only says Avery's Coffee but also is something that the people in our area enjoy.

Roasting your own coffee has its own set of issues. You have the beans, the profiling, the method, the countless hours of figuring out what your machine will and will not due. I got to tell ya, if you would have asked me 10 years ago, would I believe that I would be a Master Roaster (I use that term loosely) in my own coffee business, I would have told you, not in my wildest dreams.

Coming to the final step of cutting the apron strings from our former roaster. And we do really appreciate their help, was the biggest move I've ever made. The feeling of knowing that from here on out, everything is YOUR PRODUCT and a reflection of YOU is some heady stuff. This last week we officially became 100% Avery's Coffee.

Being 100% is truly a scary place to be. In the past, all I had to do is make a phone call and miraculously a 5lbs. bag of product would come. I would complain about the roast not being exactly what I wanted, or that I wanted it to be medium rather than a dark roast but the responsibility for the quality of the bean was on someone else's shoulders. I could always say, "Yeah, we're working on getting something new."

Well now, the only person I can fire is me.

So here is to the next level of our business and adventure into the world of coffee. Roasters beware. I have a 5kg machine that has a lot of years ahead of it...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

How Does Your Cappuccino Stack Up?

Recently we had a dear couple come into the shop. They were fresh off of the plane in their new home city, Las Vegas. As a matter of fact, it was hard to understand them because of their heavy Italian accent.

They ordered a couple of small cappuccinos, which I promptly reached for the paper cups that I usually would use for takeout orders. Then I asked them if they would prefer to dine-in. Reaching for the porcelain cups over our espresso machine, they sighed a sound of joy and relief that we would not be barbarians and dare to serve an excellent cup of espresso in such a primitive thing as a paper cup.

Frothing the milk and then setting it aside, we passed small talk of their 10 days in the US., getting their drivers license and of course now looking for work. I pulled their double espresso shots for two and then delicately served up a medium dry cappuccino for him and then for her.

Their eyes grew wider as I placed the cups and saucer before them. "Wow, she said, the whip is just like we have at home!" Had I hit a homerun or was she just being nice? (We all make the drink on a daily basis but rarely is it judged by an Italian straight off the boat) The proof would be in the drinking.

Not only did they finish the drinks but they never attempted to add the ubiquitous  sugar, cinnamon or cream. They just drank and nodded, drank and nodded. And with a final slurp, it was done.

"We'll be back, they said." "We love your cappuccino." I nearly became emotional. It takes an native Italian to acknowledge that our American attempt at a cappuccino is sufficient. I will forever be humbled and encouraged. Now the question, "How your cappuccino stack up to the Italian Way?"

Sunday, March 9, 2014

I’ll have the Dark Roast Alex…

In the short amount of time that I’ve spent as an avid coffee drinker to now as a shop owner my level of interest in the beloved beverage has grown more and more. Each and every day there are more articles being written about, around and for the love of coffee.

There has been one area of confusion that most coffee-philes will agree upon. What the heck to call the different roasting levels of coffee. You can travel from Spain to Peru and each country has its own name for the level and necessity of roasting.

In some countries, like Italy a darker version of roast is totally acceptable, while here in the USA we like our coffee a little less dark. Either way knowing before buying is always helpful.

I’ve listed below the different levels of roast to help you next time you decide to by that rich deep espresso blend but were expecting a light roast.

Within the four color categories, you are likely to find common roasts as listed below. But it is a good idea to ask before you buy.  There can be a world of difference between roasts!

Light Roasts

Light brown in color. This roast is generally preferred for milder coffee varieties. There will be no oil on the surface of these beans, because they are not roasted long enough for the oils to break through to the surface
·         Light City
·         Half City
·         Cinnamon
·         New England

Medium Roasts

Medium brown in color with a stronger flavor,  and a non-oily surface. This roast is often referred to as the American roast because it is generally preferred in the United States.
·         City
·         American
·         Breakfast

Medium—Dark Roasts

Rich, dark color with some oil on the surface and with a slight bittersweet aftertaste
·         Full City

Dark Roasts

Shiny black beans with a oily surface and a pronounced bitterness. The darker the roast, the less acidity will be found in the coffee beverage.  Dark roast coffees run from slightly dark to charred and the names are often used interchangeably which can be very confusing.  Be sure to check your beans before you buy them!
·         High
·         Continental
·         New Orleans
·         European
·         Espresso
·         Viennese
·         Italian

·         French

Sherman Ray

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Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Visitor from Colombe

If any of you are fans of the hit Travel Channel series "Dangerous Grounds" then you will be interested in this latest event that happened over at one of our local shops on Wednesday. Dangerous Grounds is a show about Todd, the owner of La Colombe and a coffee saucier. That means he is well versed in the art of cupping and identifying the different varieties and flavors of coffee.

In his last show, which aired on Tuesday night, Todd was searching out a very rare coffee from the high mountains in Guatemala.  The story is great but since this is a blog I won't be able to relate all of the twists turns and near death situations that Todd and "Hollywood", his cameraman got into to before securing the rare bean from the La Perla Plantation. What a great show.

Fast-forward to Wednesday morning, I your humble editor, was serving the first customer of the day, a slightly build, well-spoken Frenchman with an appetite for a single shot of espresso.

You can always tell a coffee-phile because they usually will only order a single shot of espresso to start off their conversations. It's our way of testing the waters of sorts, before  wading  into the deep.

After trading pleasantries my visitor, Nicolas, asked me about who I purchased my coffee from. I told him that we work with a local roaster but that as fate would have it, we had just ordered our own roasting machine that morning. He was ecstatic for our business.

I then asked him, "And you, what do you do for a living?" He said "Oh I am a coffee roaster too." Really!!! Now, I have been trying to get a bead on all of the coffee roasters in the Las Vegas area. I only know of 3. How could it be that I missed this one? As a matter of fact, I had just confirmed that there were only a handful of roasters the day before when I was speaking with Stefanie Frank of Frankly Good Coffee.

So who could this interloper be who claimed that yes he too was a local roaster! "Well, what is the name of your company? I asked. "La Colombe", he answered. Gafaugh!!!...are you kidding me. I all but called him a liar. "You don't really work for La Colombe. I was just watching Todd on TV last night", I said. "Yeah, Todd is my boss, he replied.

I was flabbergasted. How could this be. How fortunate could I be that the first customer I served would be a 20 year veteran of the trade and part of the La Colombe dynasty. We laughed and spoke of such heady things like...well coffee of course and how Las Vegas really needed to experience a renaissance in coffee culture as much of the civilized world had already experienced and now enjoys.

He told me to encouraged the people who are putting their collective heads together to create a coffee culture here in the City of Lights. When he left he said that when he returned that he would share some of the Guatemalan beans secured by Todd.

Truly we are on the right track. We had a visit by the Man from Colombe.

Sherman Ray

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Barista Is...

Well not much to talk about as far as anything happening in Las Vegas. The same ole same ole I guess. Sambalatte opened their latest shop the week before and other than a couple of shops having their usual 50% off Mocha Mondays, Poetry Nights and Creative nights at Grouchy John’s, there isn’t much to talk about.

 This weeks article will focus on the star of each and every coffee shop in existence. They were once thought of as seers but nowadays they are relegated to being the mentors, psychologists and sages of each local. We of course are speaking about the Barista.

The Barista has taken on many forms throughout the ages, part town crier to mixer of all things espresso. Their positions in most parts of the world are well respected. In Europe, specifically in Italy the Barista is a position that is occupied by men and women of age 48 years on average. They are highly respected and because coffee is held in such high esteem in these countries, the barista is also a respected and high paying profession. 

What a Barista Is...

A Barista is a professional sommelier of coffee drinks much like a wine sommelier. Their educational level is equal to that of a Masters Degree student. Their level of competence is likened to that of a doctor. Really good ones not only can help you choose the right drink but know how the coffee is roasted, processed and prepared for every drink. 

More importantly, they are your best friend and the most important person you may ever know. 

Let’s say you’ve had a long day at the office. The boss has been particularly crappy to you this week. The dog took a crap on your favorite tie but you didn’t notice it until you were already at work. Then to top it all off, that project you have been betting on being finalized in a couple of weeks, is due tomorrow, the same time that you plan of going away for your 25th wedding anniversary.

On your way home to break the bad news to your honey, you stop by your favorite coffee shop expecting a doppio espresso with a biscotti. You know you have to go home afterwards and tell the Mrs the bad news and get straight to work. It will be an all nighter.

There is that familiar face behind the counter, smartly dressed, pony-tailed and tats all over his arms. He takes your order, hands back your change and with a wink and smile goes to work at his espresso station. A few minutes later, there it is, Your order. 

Now let me ask you. Do you want to chance your last bit of sanity on a fool or a professional? Yes, your barista is a professional. Not only is the doppio excellente but he threw in an extra shot because he instinctively knew, only an extra shot would get you over the hump. You’d trust this guy with your kids on Sunday and your wife on a Friday. He is your best friend, your Barista.

What a Barista is Not….

Some chump, air-headed teenager who can’t get a better job, or an out of work actor. Your barista isn’t a chatty chick with a predilection to play store, nor is your barista a lacky who likes to be abused by snobby housewives. 

Nay a barista is to be revered from their rooter to their tooter. When you need someone to pick you up in the morning or talk you off the ledge in the evening, they will be there. Their artistry with a pitcher full of frothed milk, a whipped can of cream or fluted steam pot make them a formitable foe to any depressing moment they come upon. So the next time you have an opportunity to talk to your local barista, give them a wink and a nod, tip them generously and thank them for being the most important person in your life.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

This Week. A Look Back

As espresso bar owners we do all we can to attract people from all of the city to come in and enjoy our gourmet specialty coffees. Some get out on the street corners and spin and twirl, while others send out mailers in the hope that  their message will get out.
Well whatever the method, letting people know about our businesses is paramount to sharing the news of the wonders of gourmet coffee. The alternative is that folks will find the nearest shop in the neighborhood and take their chances on...well let's just say NOT the best product you can find.
So here are a few snapshots of the ways that local shop owners in Las Vegas are using to attract more customers. Pay careful attention, there may be a shop in your area that you never heard of or may have overlooked.

Here is an inventive one by Frankly Good Coffee

Sambalatte uses a more traditional approach.


Here is one from our friends at Tiabi Coffee and Waffle Bar

Avery's Coffee uses graphics and savory to get the word out.

How about Sunrise Coffee

And lastly our friends at Grouchy's

Be sure and check out these and all the other Independently owned coffee shops here in Las Vegas. They have great selection of coffees, teas and friendly staffs to help you enjoy the world of Coffee.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New In Town

Las Vegas has seen what some would call a coffee renaissance in the past few years. We've gone from boom to bust in the real estate market in just 5 short years. Our economy has really changed. Some would say for the worse but many would say for the better. In a way, the best of the best have made it through the tough times and now, what the every day Las Vegan has to choose from are pretty stable businesses and especially coffee shops.

Gone are the companies that didn't have deep roots in the community or in the industry itself. Today, what you have are companies that by and large were created either just before the crash of 2008-2009 or right in the midst of it.

Can you imagine, opening a business right at the height of the depression. Well, several of the companies on our LIST (see our Jan. 31 Blog post) did just that. Among them is Colorado River Coffee Roasters out in Boulder City. This micro roasting company not only opened in the midst of The Great Recession but they have made a name for themselves among a handful of other coffee shop owners in Las Vegas and other commercial accounts.

spoke with Don Anderson, the owner of CRCR, about his business. He said the reason why he believes his company is so successful is because of the quality of the beans that they are able find. Without quality beans, it is impossible to produce a great cup of coffee.

CRCR has grown from a small batch production coffee roasting machine, one that most small shops would love to have in their locations, to a full fledged capacity machine. On a recent visit out to their plant in Boulder City, I met their head roaster and sampled some of the best varieties of espresso and regular roasted beans. In the warehouse there were plenty of green beans just waiting to be roasted to order.

Don says that for CRCR, business has been steadily growing, even through the down turn in the economy. We can only surmise that this uptick in growth is as a result of a quality product.

Here is a quote from their company page. "Showing everyone that there are options available for those that truly want a decent cup of coffee instead of just accepting what is readily available. We only sell whole bean coffee, to ensure that the product you drink is as fresh as possible."

Sherman Ray

Friday, January 31, 2014

Where Have All The Shops Gone... The LIST


Las Vegas has so much to offer, especially if you are in the mood for good food and good drinks. Everything from coladas to cappuccinos can be found in the City of Lights. All you have to do is walk down the strip and you'll find a plethora of the most creative uses for alcohol and chocolate. I even saw a trumpet full of beer one time.

Where do you do to find excellent coffee though. That is the 1 million dollar question. One that we intend to answer right here and right now. So where does one go to get great coffee when you are in Las Vegas?

Criteria for making the list:

  • Independently-owned
  • Locally operated
  • 75% sales devoted to coffee, espresso or related drinks
  • Off Strip
  • Cannot be a bakery posing as a Coffee Shop
  • Cannot reside within a Major or Minor Casino
  • Must be either a Cafe or Roastery
  • Not a Large Nationwide Corporate Franchise

These coffee providers are not listed in any particular order. Most of the details as to their locations and times can be found on their websites. Just click on the link and'll be whisked to their websites.

So before you make the tragic mistake of hanging out in one of those "Corporate" shops, visit The List and find an "Independent" shop in the area where you are going. The coffee gods will smile down from above and bless your day.

List of Independently-Owned Coffee Shops in Las Vegas

  1. The Human Bean
  2. Frankly Good Coffee
  3. Chieti Coffee Roasters
  4. The Madhouse Coffee
  5. Grouchy John's
  6. Tipsy Coffee House
  7. Other World Roasters
  8. Holley's Cuppa
  9. Sunrise Coffee
  10. Somethings Brewing
  11. The Lodge Coffee House and Tavern
  12. Beanz Coffee Cafe
  13. Colorado River Coffee Roasters
  14. Sambalatte
  15. Avery's Coffee
  16. The Beat
  17. Perk Up Coffee Shop
  18. Tiffany's Cafe
  19. Moxie Java Cafe
  20. Tiabi Coffee and Waffles
  21. Coffee Pub
  22. Cafelatte

If you know of a Coffee Shop that should be on this list be sure and let us know in the comments section.


Monday, January 27, 2014

Las Vegas Has Everything Except

Las Vegas has everything except..

It's an amazing place to live, much less to visit. Glitter Gulch, Sin city, What Happens Here Stays Here. You name it, we've seen it. Sigfried and Roy, white tigers, Elvis Jumping the fountains, heck we even have a museum dedicated to Liberace. 

Follow the I-15 corridor south and you'll find some of the largest mega resorts on the planet and head up the 95 going west you'll find Forrest's and skiing and to be east a huge manmade lake. All of this stuff you can access in one day.

The one thing that you won't find in th city that never sleeps, aside from a good kosher deli, is a culture devoted to the love and expansion of coffee. "Coffee you say. Heck who needs coffee anyways!" Well, before you put your head in the sand and dismiss these ramblings as that of a sour coffee addict just wanting to be heard, let me fill you in on what every other civilized community is enjoying.

Culture in Our own Backyard
Travel in any direction and you will find a Starbucks shop. Next to them you will find the familiar green logo with the fish lady or whatever she is adorning the side of a building, shopping center or strip mall. Usually they are positioned at the entrance of a freeway, to maximize their access to the rushing hoard of workers on their way to and from work. 

As their humming Escalades,  BMWs and Chevys idle in the long lines that form starting at about 5a, you wonder how in the world are these folks going to make it out of the slow creeping line and make it to work too.

But day after day, they do just that. With no thought to , who is in the building, what the grade of, origin from or process by which that cup of Java got to them. Too much in a hurray to worry about taste. That's why their is a drive thru. Who has time for taste. Day in and day out they blindly gulp over processed, sugary, syrupy concoctions that from the drive thru ledger claim are lattes, cappuccinos and Americanas.

Outside of Las Vegas
Fast forward to another locale in San Francisco. The smartly dressed business man enter the front door of the quaintly adorned artisan cafe owned by Dan Fife and his wife Danielle. The air is awash with the first batch of freshly roasted  Papua New Guinea, Danielle sourced from Estaban, a local farmer at Origin. You can almost still hear the sound of his kids playing in the fields as Poppie (Estaban) works his family plantation.

Cafe Vibe
The vibe inside the cafe is simply relaxing. Pictures on the wall are of the many trips the Fife's have taken to the farms where their beans come from. Keepsakes of their visits are major talking points with the friendly patrons who have been coming to the cafe for years. They even remember when the couple planned the trip because it was all over social media and letters they received announcing the trip.

In the door walks some local baristas, who said that they had a new technique, flavor or process that they wanted to share. All of the sudden the quiet cafe becomes a noisy den of excited family members, who act like they haven't seen each other in years. There is a couple on the corner playing UNO that stop their game to find out what the heck all the commotion is all about.

What was That!
What you've just witnessed is the difference between what happens in locales all over the westcoast and well everywhere else,  other than Las Vegas. These aren't isolated cases or made up instances, they are real. They happen in places like San Francisco, to place like Oregon, Idaho, Seattle, Japan, London, Brazil, Australia, etc... And it can happen her in Las Vegas too.

The Las Vegas Coffee Culture Magazine is here to chronical and highlite the growing world of coffee culture in Las Vegas. In the coming weeks we will bring to light, the hidden world of Specialty Coffee shops that do exist here.

In a world of Corporate giants, there is a special class of shop owners, we call Artisan shops. They work tirelessly, to bring to you the best in coffees, teas and information on coffee. For many years these shops have not had a voice. They eek out a meager existence serving the community while the "Big Box" stores compete for the hearts and souls of the masses.

Specialty shops gallantly retrain the palates and minds of their clients, who have been fooled into believing that coffee has to be bitter, sugary or frozen with a crown of whipped cream on it to be good. Heck it's a job that most of the folks I've spoken with wouldn't trade for the world.

Each person that comes into their shops becomes an ambassador to the masses, as to how coffee really should be enjoyed. They speak to their friends, coworkers and family to let them know, that coffee really does have a deep and pedigreed history, one that they want to share.

So, keep checking back in, as we talk about the best that Las Vegas has to offer in coffee and the culture we are building.

Avery GoodCup